
Inverse Hate-Crime Paradox

Bagel Boss

Inversely-Height-Enabled whitey commits hate crime, and then is hate-assaulted…which poses problems…and is hilarious.

For Conservatives: How pissed should you be? Well, on the one hand this guy instantly becomes the target of Fauxmenist rage, and PC-Bro rage, so this hits on two rage buttons simultaneously. But here’s the tough part — dude is dangerously close to being a “little person” and a protected class and therefore a minority, so what happened to him should be hilarious. On the other hand, he’s an angry white male, and thus part of the most persecuted class on earth, and one that deserves protection. Plus the WWE takedown at the end is white-on-white violence, so 5/5 against the Fauxmenist at the beginning but only 4/5 for the Undertaker at the end, just because he is kinda attacking a minority and making America great again.

For Liberals: The problem here is we don’t hear what this tiny oppressor says at the beginning, but he clearly evidences white rage (the worst kind) against women. And he actually used the phrase “women in general” aloud, in public, which we’re pretty sure was outlawed during Obama’s last year in office. 5/5.

For Everyone Else: 0/5. This is one of the greatest displays of misdirected rage and personal delusion in memory. This little guy is a fucking hero. He can barely even see the head of the first guy that he challenges to a fight. When he tries to chest-bump his forehead hits the guy’s crossed arms. The fact that it all stems from getting ghosted on Bumble is just the icing on the cake.

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Written by Stanley Holditch

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